Cookie policy

1. Cookie Policy

This policy applies to the cookies and internet pages served by the company GRISHKA EOOD, with headquarters in the city of Sofia, ul. Okolovrasten path 67 (hereinafter referred to as

2. What are cookies?

A cookie is a text file containing letters and numbers that will be stored on your computer, mobile device or other equipment of a user that is used to access the Internet. The cookie is self-generated and completely “passive” (does not contain software programs, viruses or spyware and does not access the information from the user’s physical device).

3. What are cookies used for?

Cookies are used to facilitate the user by keeping information about his steps and purchases on the user’s own device without being accessible to the owner of the viewed site. Cookies provide the user with a better experience while browsing the Internet and help to offer user-friendly services, such as online privacy preferences, in the shopping cart or relevant advertising.

4. What cookies do we use?

We use two types of cookies – per user session and persistent. The latter are temporary files that remain on the user’s device until the end of the user session or until the application (web browser) is closed. Fixed files remain on the user’s device for the period parameterized by the cookies or until they are manually deleted by the user.

5. How are cookies used by this website?

Visiting this site may create cookies with the following purposes:

Site performance cookies
Cookies for analyzing site visitors
Geo-targeting cookies
Registration cookies

6. Do cookies contain personal data?

By themselves, cookies do not require information of a personal nature in order to be used and most often do not identify the identity of Internet users. Personal data collected through the use of cookies may only be collected to facilitate the user’s use. This data is encrypted in a way that prevents unauthorized persons from accessing it.

7. Deleting cookies

In general, an application for accessing web pages allows the storage of cookies by default. These settings can be changed so that the automatic management of cookies is blocked by the web browser or the user is informed each time cookies are sent to his terminal. Detailed information on the possibilities and ways of managing cookies can be found in the application settings (on the web browser). Restricting the use of cookies may affect some functions of the web page

8. Why are cookies important to the Internet?

Cookies are central to the efficient functioning of the Internet, helping to establish a certain pattern of preferences and interests of each user. Disagreeing or disabling cookies may make some sites unusable.
Rejecting or deactivating cookies does not mean that you will no longer receive online advertisements, but that these will no longer appear in your account for favorites and interests collected through browsing behavior.
Examples of important cookie roles (that do not require account authentication):

•    Content and services adapted to user preferences – categories of products and services.
•    Offers adapted to user preferences – remembering passwords on your device with your consent.
•    Analytics measurement, optimization and characteristics – how to validate a given level of website traffic, what type of content is displayed and how the user reaches a website (eg: search engines, direct, other websites, etc.) . The websites develop these analyzes and their use in order to improve the site for the benefit of the users.

9. Security and Confidentiality

Cookies are NOT viruses! They use the plain text format. They are not composed of pieces of code, so they cannot be executed, nor can they be executed independently. Therefore, they cannot be duplicated or copied to other networks to run or copy afresh. Since they cannot perform these functions, they cannot be considered viruses.
Cookies can still be used for negative purposes. Because they store information about a user’s preferences and browsing history, both on a particular site and on most other sites, cookies can be used as a form of Spyware. Many anti-spyware software are not aware of this fact and constantly mark cookies to be removed during removal / scanning / anti-virus / anti-spy procedures